Hi All....I'm finally back from my travels so normal service will be resumed as from today!
Firstly, I had some fantastic news while I was away and the logo next to this is a clue.
I applied to join the enormously talented Sam Poole's design team just before I went away and much to my amazement was chosen. There was a lot of jumping up and down and cheering going on in a small café in Corfu when I finally got some Wi-Fi and found out....there were also a few funny looks from the locals! Even better, when I got back yesterday, there was a package from Sam with some fantastic new stamps to play with. I'm straight off to the studio as soon as I've posted this to start playing with them. Hope to have some piccies to show you tomorrow but in the meantime, check out Sam's website and have a look at them.
As I don't have any projects to show you today I thought I'd show a photo of 1 of the ports we stopped at. This is Hvar in Croatia. It was stunning and is best avoided every August when Paris Hilton and loads of other "celebs" invade it complete with paparazzi. There is also very loud techno music pumping out 24 hours a day but the rest of the year it is a beautiful, peaceful fishing town.
Anyway, enough of my wafflings....off to do some "work" with my new toys. I'll be back tomorrow...happy crafting.
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